Home > Warsaw > The GRAVEL DOCTOR®

4321 N 50 W, Columbia City, IN, 46725, US

Phone: (574) 253-0935


Commercial or residential – whatever your need, The GRAVEL DOCTOR® is the industry’s most innovative provider of gravel and unpaved surface restoration.

The process is simple. The results are extraordinary. In just minutes the Gravel Doctor® system fully restores, compacts and smooths gravel driveways, gravel roadways, and gravel parking lots. Potholes and ruts are replaced by level surfaces; grass and weeds are completely eliminated. Existing gravel is recycled and then compacted into a rut resistant surface that maintains the existing grade while controlling run-off. Except in extreme circumstances, no additional gravel is required. The GRAVEL DOCTOR® provides fast, economical and environmentally friendly surface restoration.


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